SmokeScan is a patent pending analytical process that uses pattern recognition to quantitatively define the perceived level of stale cigarette smoke in indoor air.
SmokeScan is capable of detecting not only first and second hand tobacco smoke but also “stale” tobacco smoke. The odors typically associated with stale tobacco smoke are not all necessarily the result of the presence of chemical compounds given off by the burning tobacco but many are the products of bacteriological activity in the smoke residue. SmokeScan’s unique, patent pending algorithms assess not only the impact of chemical compounds generated directly from tobacco combustion but also the chemical compounds generated through biological activity in tobacco smoke residue.
SmokeScan can be used in property and vehicle transfers to ensure that the property or vehicle involved does not have the odor of stale tobacco smoke. SmokeScan is also valuable in determining definitively that motels, public buildings, and condominiums are indeed “smoke free.”
Call us at 248-241-6713 to discuss your application.